Legends, Myths, Monsters and Ghosts

Legends, Myths, Monsters and Ghosts


Legends, Myths, Monsters and Ghosts

[00:00:00] Jeremiah: Hello, my fellow Terrestrials coming to you from an RV deep in the Carolina Mountains. Welcome to the What If They’re Wrong Podcast. The podcast that wants you to question everything. Your reality is about to be shattered.
Hello and welcome to the What If the Wrong Podcast. The podcast, I wants you to question everything. I’m joined today by George Luxford and we are gonna be talking about his book and his book, and I never get this correct. So it is Legends Myths Monsters and Ghosts USA Edition. So we’re gonna talk with him all about that, all that good stuff that we like covering on the show.
Oh yeah. So I’ll introduce him now. What’s up, George? How you.
[00:01:03] George: Good. How are you? I’m pretty good for an old fat man. .
[00:01:09] Jeremiah: Yeah. This past week I started dieting and it’s so hard cuz I’m hungry all the time, . But I know it’s for the better
[00:01:16] George: I need to, but we just sink. Can’t seem to get it going Good. Yeah.
[00:01:23] Jeremiah: Yeah. The food that’s bad for you is so good, so it’s hard to
It’s cheaper and it’s cheaper. Yeah. But yeah. Um, I’ll ask you, you know, the pretty standard question. What made you decide to write this book?
[00:01:38] George: Well, I guess I, that’s the standard, standard question, but I don’t know if my answer is standard or not cuz I’m a little bit . Uh, I just decided, I had done acting for like 15 years and I decided, hey, you know, I think I’ll write a book.
And I wrote four little books. Legends, missed monsters and ghosts, and they were all regional. One was the south, one was the north, one was the Midwest, and one was the west. Then I got hooked up with this new publisher beyond the fray and they said, Hey, let’s put ’em all together. And I said, okay. So I put ’em all together in one book, added over a hundred more stories, and I thought, you know what?
This people should enjoy this because these are stories. , when I was young, the older people would pass down to us, so I wanna pass ’em down so everybody have stories for their own state.
[00:02:31] Jeremiah: Yeah, it seems like legends and uh, myths and stuff go way back to ancient times. So I know they start well in this country, probably with the Native Americans.
[00:02:43] George: Oh yeah. And there’s five Indian tribes in my.
[00:02:47] Jeremiah: Oh, that’s cool. Uh, so what kind of, uh, you know, myths do the Indians have? Oh, man, since, we’ll go back in time here, ,
[00:02:55] George: they’ve got some really cool ones. I did, uh, the Cherokee, of course, now they have the, the Sulu and Spearing and the little people and, uh, Raven Mocker, and I think that’s all I put in there.
But each, each tribe had some really awesome, awesome characters. I mean, , I did the Inuits and they have a, a figure they talk about that rules the oceans and rules the seas. And then they have the ones in the, the funny one was the, um, uh, what was it? I can’t remember what the name of the, wasn’t the Shoshone, it was one of the other groups and they had some of the coolest stories, but they run ’em in, uh, like parallel.
and they didn’t, they weren’t, it’s almost like they were talking about stuff that wasn’t of this world, but is, and it was really awesome to read. I, I’m trying to remember which group it was. There were so many good stories in, in the, you know, the Indians. I call ’em Indians. I’ll tell you why. Because when I spoke to the elders of the Cherokee and the Choctaw, they refer to themselves as Indians.
So I respect them. I refer to ’em as, because this, the Native American thing didn’t come around till the last 10 years or so.
[00:04:18] Jeremiah: Yeah. I always, I’m, you know, a little bit older too, and I always refer to ’em as Indians, , and then I’ll say like East Indians for like the people in India. Yeah.
[00:04:29] George: Yeah. But I, they had so many good stories.
I don’t even know where to start. . I mean, they’re awesome ones. They, they’re actually, I enjoyed writing those and I now, I didn’t. hardly anything on theirs because I noticed when they pass down their stories, it always stays the same. There’s not hardly any variation to their stories at all. But when we tell ’em, we have a tendency to put variations on ’em, and I kind of find a little disrespectful.
That’s why I wanted to make sure I used their words and got it from their, their sights and made sure that I, I respected. Now
[00:05:08] Jeremiah: for the Indians, I always hear like, they don’t really have a written like accounts. It’s more like spoken. Yeah. Like they can tell tales down through
[00:05:18] George: the time. Yeah. They actually, they used to sit down every evening and, and tell the stories to their children and their grandchildren around the fires.
I, I, I know that this because they’re the ones I talked to, plus my wife’s half Cherokee. , she’s Cherokee in German, so she’s either on the war path or, uh, declaring war on me. So, you know,
[00:05:42] Jeremiah: Yeah, I’ve, I know a German family and, uh, yeah,
But the, uh, yeah, the Indian stuff is, uh, fascinating to me too, and they seem to talk. Because I’m into Aliens and the UFOs and stuff like that. And it seems like they even have stories of that going back to like old ancient times and talking about Sky people and uh, have you heard any accounts of that?
[00:06:12] George: Those were more with the western. , like the knock, the, um, I’m trying to think what name of the different groups were out there. I’m brain dead today. I’m sorry. Uh, .
[00:06:23] Jeremiah: It’s all right. Like the Pueblo maybe? Yeah.
[00:06:25] George: They, they all, they had more of that out there. Plus I, I was reading and studying on ’em. They actually have a lot of cave draw ones and stuff that show in the depict of the star people coming down and the Navajo and the, and the, what is that other group?
There’s another group that’s big, was big. I can’t for life may place who they were, but I read so many, I’ve read all of them.
[00:06:53] Jeremiah: Yeah. It’s hard to keep the name street sometimes. Yeah. Um, I’m from Delaware area, so we had the um, uh, what were they? . We just called ’em Delaware Indians, but they were, there was another name for ’em. I just can’t remember
[00:07:08] George: it either. , well see, I work in Cherokee and over there every, every month I do facility maintenance for a bank.
So I go over there and work on my banks and I talk to some of the older people and I love talking to them. And there’s one guy over there, he was talking about his great, great, great grandfather was a Cherokee. and man, he told me the most awesome story. It was, it was, and he was jumping around and acting out everything.
He was really awesome. Really cool guy. His name’s Homer, an Indian named Homer.
[00:07:41] Jeremiah: Yeah, they, um, . Yeah. From what I’ve seen and heard, they are definitely really good storytellers. Oh, they’re excellent.
[00:07:49] George: Excellent. Some of the best I’ve ever listened. , have you
[00:07:52] Jeremiah: heard any stories of like the ant people you always hear on shows like ancient Aliens and stuff, this tale of like, these ant people that took, uh, people underground during a cataclysm or
[00:08:05] George: something.
Heard about the little people, but they’re bigger. They’re like, you know, six, eight inches tall or maybe 10 inches tall. And now they, they, some of them watched out for the people and some of ’em were tr there’s, there were different types of little people. . Some of ’em were tricksters, some of ’em were helpful.
Some of ’em were just, there was a couple that was mean and there’s all kinds of different ones. They have their different little factions with the small little people and it’s really hard to get ’em to talk about the little people cuz they won’t, they will not speak about ’em. Y’all talk about slu, which is the, the Cherokee Bigfoot.
Y’all talk about spear finger with a little bit of edge to it because they, she makes ’em. , uh, they talked about Raven Walker and all those with no problem. But boy they did. They, I had a real hard time getting ’em to talk about little people.
[00:08:56] Jeremiah: Yeah. They still, even to this day, have their, like superstitions and all that stuff, so.
[00:09:01] George: yeah. And one of the guys was telling me when they were doing a, uh, remodel of there, they were digging up, putting a new building in, but they found bones and caves. Oh wow.
[00:09:14] Jeremiah: Yeah, I was doing research for my book that I’m writing for the podcast and over in India, they were digging up to make a housing complex or something and came across, uh, , like ruins of a city and the radiation level was too high.
So they had to uh, they had to section it off and the Indian government actually like quarantined it off and said like, you can’t build here . And then they excavated the ancient city or whatever. Yeah, I
[00:09:44] George: heard, I heard about, they believed that the only way they could get that high radiation levels was if they had been a nuclear.
[00:09:51] Jeremiah: Yeah, I heard that too. And I mean, the more I’ve been looking into it, the more I’m like, hmm, maybe
I love it.
[00:10:02] George: So, I, I get into all this. I get into all the monsters and the ghosts and all the stories, the conspiracies and all that stuff. I’m nuts .
[00:10:13] Jeremiah: Yeah, me too. So, hey, we’re in the same boat. At least we’re filming in this
[00:10:17] George: world. You know what I mean? ?
[00:10:19] Jeremiah: Yeah. Right. don’t take it so
[00:10:22] George: seriously. No, no. Sometimes I think I’d rather be with the monsters than some of the people out here.
[00:10:30] Jeremiah: right? Yeah. We got some craziness going on . Okay. In this world right
[00:10:34] George: now. Well, I, I’m still kind of mad about the time Trevor on TikTok had said the aliens were gonna be here today. I’m
[00:10:42] Jeremiah: Lil . Oh yeah, I heard about that. Yep. What the
[00:10:44] George: world coming to when you can’t take the word of a TikTok time traveler. I mean, come on now.
[00:10:50] Jeremiah: Yeah, I, um, I was waiting for it too, but obviously it didn’t happen. Well, the day’s not over yet, but
[00:10:57] George: that’s true. That’s good.
[00:10:59] Jeremiah: But, uh, yeah, it would be pretty wild to, to see that actually happen. Scary but wild at the same time to see like an alien invasion. , I,
[00:11:08] George: I just wanted, I just wanted look at all the people that thought I was crazy all these years ago.
Ha ha.
[00:11:15] Jeremiah: Yeah.
[00:11:15] George: Gotcha. Tell me I’m crazy now. .
[00:11:20] Jeremiah: Well, I think it’s crazy that recently the government has been really open about, yeah, there’s UFOs and we don’t know what they are and , well, all this stuff is coming out. Well, they’re
[00:11:31] George: finally getting, there’s so much information out there, they can no longer deny it.
And if you think about it, it only makes sense. I mean, they found how many a million Earthlike worlds. Come on now. You think this is the only planet and we’re, and the excuse is they’ve made humans the smartest ones. Oh yeah. ,
[00:11:53] Jeremiah: you look at the world back. Yeah. We, uh, no . Yeah. For all the good humanity does, we have a lot of like bad and and dumb stuff
[00:12:03] George: too.
Oh yeah. Yeah. I mean, maybe one of these days we’ll all get it together. I don’t know, but we’ll just have to wait. .
[00:12:11] Jeremiah: Yeah. And there’s people that are waiting for the aliens to come save us from our Stupidness, .
[00:12:16] George: You know, they’re driving by and rolling their windows up. .
[00:12:20] Jeremiah: Yeah. Well, , they’re like, yeah, we’re not messing with them.
[00:12:25] George: They, they need help. We ain’t gonna bother them right now. .
[00:12:30] Jeremiah: So being from like Delaware and the tri-state area, I’m sure you’ve heard of like the Jersey Devil.
[00:12:35] George: Oh yeah. Love the Jersey devil.
[00:12:38] Jeremiah: Yeah. Let me, Let me hear what you found out about the Jersey
[00:12:42] George: Devil. Well, you know the history. It was the 13th child born to mis misleads, and as he has been born, he cast out and flew out through the, made a hole in the ceiling and blew, flew away.
Basically, I just got, I got a few sidings that I found. Uh, nothing as you can say, rock solid, but there has been lately some new sighting. Some dy terrifying sightings from what I read. Uh, one, I think it’s a young lady, reported it come down and ripped the back door off her house and was trying to get more, uh, and one of ’em had actually landed on top of a car and busted the top of the car, and E even had the hoof prints.
When they, when the cops got there, they was even hoof prints on the top of. , they couldn’t explain it. Wow.
[00:13:39] Jeremiah: Yeah. That’s kind of scary. . Yeah. Yeah. I always heard about the Jersey Devil growing up just cuz being so close to New Jersey and all, and I know they had like the X-Files episode about it where it ended up being some guy who like transformed or something,
[00:13:58] George: I don’t know what it, what it really is or if it is real, but it is an interesting story to. The, the story, if you read the entire story, I, it’s in my book. Uh, the entire story’s fantastic. It really is. It it makes you go . .
[00:14:14] Jeremiah: Yeah. And, um, it’s such a big like myth and that they have the hockey team named after it.
The Jersey Devils . I love it. Yeah. Some of these myths are like so grandiose, like so well known. Uh, stand the test of time and everything like that.
[00:14:33] George: But somebody once said, I don’t remember who it was, that in every myth there is a little bit of truth.
[00:14:40] Jeremiah: Yeah, I, I agree as well. I think that there is some truth in everything.
Um, like all the Bigfoot accounts. The, I also saw on your, uh, website that the, you cover the Moth man.
[00:14:57] George: Oh yeah. The Moth man is a, is a worldwide phenomena. That’s the thing. , most people only. Oh, I did not know that. Oh yeah. Most people only think about him up at Point Pleasant. But when, uh, to Nobel, when they had their meltdown, there was reports for three days straight of a moth, like, uh, a flying humanoid.
It looked like a giant moth around the, uh, the, uh, smokestack and actually on top of the smokestack, they were report, like I said, three days worth of it, and then very high ranking people and. Then the, when the, when it blowed, you know, the meltdown happened, it disappeared, but it had the exact same description.
They call it the Black Bird of Tono, but it has the exact same description as the Moth man, and he’s been seen in Chicago by hair. He’s been seen, uh, point Pleasant, he’s been seen off the, there’s a, a ship that crashed out in the ocean that reported it Circl. the ship before it crashed. I mean, before it sunk, the engines blew up.
[00:16:07] Jeremiah: Wow. I, um, I remember watching that movie, moth Man Prophecy when I was a little bit younger and, um, man, that scared the pants off of me. .
[00:16:19] George: I remember when I, the first big foot thing I ever seen was the leg. The, so, uh, legend of, what is it? Legend of Bog Creek. Boggy Boggy Creek, and the Fout Monster. That was the first one I ever seen was at the drive-in theater and watched it
It didn’t bother me nowhere near, but the second one did. So
[00:16:42] Jeremiah: Yeah. I remember watching the Moth Man prophecy and, um, . It scared me so much that like when I went home, when I went over a bridge and stuff, I’d have to roll my windows down because that bridge scene where it collapsed and everything else, it shook me, man. I don’t know.
[00:17:00] George: well pose. You’re a psyche. I’m, it has no
[00:17:02] Jeremiah: doubt.
It’s like that ring movie. You remember the ring? Oh yeah. And that girl that come out of the tv. Yep. Call, yeah. Um, I, yeah, we went to see that and we got home and I think it was my brother and my friend, and we got home and. . We walked in the door and the TV was on that static screen. Oh yeah. And we all just freaked out cuz we were like, oh no
We watched the movie .
[00:17:31] George: None of that stuff ever bothers me. The only movie that ever truly scared me, I was little. And that movie, it’s called Just the Lunch of Asses Lined Up. It’s about a freaking snake and I hate. Through the entire movie, this evil scientist is turning this guy into a freaking snake. And it’s like, why?
Why make this movie
[00:17:58] Jeremiah: Um, my, my wife hates snakes too. Uh,
[00:18:01] George: son, I tell you, I can handle anything. I, I, I can handle Bigfoot, I can handle Jaws, I can handle anything else, but I don’t do snakes. . Yeah. For me, with
[00:18:11] Jeremiah: like movies, it’s always the supernatural stuff freaks me out more than like other things. So like I can watch slasher movies all day.
Yeah. But if there’s like ghosts and or something, then that like totally gets me .
[00:18:27] George: I, you know, I guess it would bother me. I did a lot of horror movies when I was acting, so it really takes something to get to me with a horror movie. Cause it’s like, They
[00:18:39] Jeremiah: ruin me. You’ve seen the act the other
[00:18:41] George: side. Yeah.
I’ve, I’ve been the monster many times. So .
[00:18:45] Jeremiah: Yeah. It takes the, uh, like realism out of it, I guess. Oh, yeah.
[00:18:49] George: Yeah. It’s, it’s, I still enjoy ’em. I’m weird. Like the new one, Megan . Have you seen it? Oh yeah. It’s not really a horror movie, but it’s hilarious. .
[00:19:03] Jeremiah: Yeah. That little, uh, girl Doll. Like turns killer or whatever.
Ai. Yeah, it’s kind of like a spinoff of the child’s play. Chucky one, but like more robotic. Yep. Mm-hmm. . Yeah. I like those kind of movies, but my wife like does not like watching anything that could actually happen in real life. So like anything. Anything with robots or AI or anything like that, she will not watch it.
[00:19:31] George: my, my pretty lucky mine likes all that stuff so I can watch it with her ,
[00:19:36] Jeremiah: but I like, I like all that stuff except for, like I said, the real supernatural ones. I have to be like in the mood to watch that cuz and I’ll probably watch it during the day when the sun’s still
[00:19:46] George: out. don’t read. Uh, in my book I did Robert the Doll.
Now that’s a trip out. . I liked it. I liked it. That’s probably one of my most favorites of all the stories I’ve read. Oh, can you tell us a little bit about that? Robert Dal, I, there was a, a family that moved to, uh, key West and they had lots of money. They were really well off to do and they had a nanny working for ’em.
And the nanny took care of Jean. That was the little boy’s name was Jean. And, uh, she took care of. and, uh, she was from Jamaica. I think that’s where Jamaica was she from. And um, she was out there with him one day and the mother was watching her and she cut some of his hair off. The mother went ballistic.
She went crazy and called her in there and chewed her out. Jumped up and down, pissed a fit with her and said, wait till my husband gets home. And they all, they, she went back out with Jean and EZ outside. and her husband gets home and they were chewing the nanny out. And then he said, wait, wait, I just, I made a doll for Jean and she had made this homemade doll and she used his hair in the doll.
Well, she’d give it to him, and Jean named the doll Robert, and she was actually a voodoo woman, so she said some words before she left. And when she left, they didn’t think anything. . Well, he loved that doll. He would sit around and talk to it and play with it. And I have all that stuff, you know? And one day his mama was walking by the room.
The door was closed. He was in his room with, with the Robert, and she walked by and she heard him and she was like, okay, well then she heard another voice. It wasn’t him. So she opened the door frantically looking around, and it was nobody there but him and Robert. Well, this kept happening. It happened to the dad, it happened to.
And finally the dad just said, okay, I’ve had enough of this. So he took Robert away from him, put him in a box, took twine and covered the box, and sealed the box up with Twine, took it up to the attic and left it in the attic, shut the door. Well, that night they were in the bed and they heard something upstairs, sign little footprints running around in the attic and see, he’s thinking He went up there and got that.
So he was mad as far as jumped up outta bed, went over to Jean Drumm and jerked the door up and Jean was asleep. So, Hey, look. Mm-hmm. What’s in the attic? So he went up to the attic, opened up the attic in the box where he had put, the doll was gone and he got the looking in the dust and it was like little footprints in the dust and he followed them.
The doll was sitting on one of the shelves out of the box, freaked him. Wow. Freaked him out. Big time. Takes the doll, puts it back in the box, twines it up again, heavier this time. Well this keeps happening night after night after night. And uh, gene kind of forgets about Robert and he grows up and they sent him off to school cuz he’s an artist.
They sent him off to school in Paris to be an artist. Well, in the meantime, Robert ain’t forgotten. So Robert is basically terrifying to parents the whole time he’s gone and his dad has a heart attack. Well, when that happens, gene had finished school and he moves back into the house there in Key West and the house is kind of funny looking and one corner has this big round tower where the windows all the way around it.
Well, they boom back and the mama is sitting on her on the front porch and she’s just rocking back and forth. this crazy look in her eyes and her hair’s messed up. And she says, don’t let him, don’t let him have the doll. Don’t let him have the doll. And the wife was like, okay. Crazy mama. You know? Well, Jean is up there, messed around and he’s fixing up his studio there.
He’s gonna put it in that tower. So he gets everything fixed up and he goes up in the act and finds something and he finds Jean lemme, he finds Robert. So he comes down with Robert and the mom lose. Well, she ends up dying and it’s just him and his wife and Robert. Everywhere he goes, he takes Robert with him and he is up there doing his painting.
This guy’s a famous artist and he’s got the, he’s doing his artwork and every time he looks over, Robert, sit by the window. He made a little rocking chair for him and put him over by the window and every picture you see of him after he got famous, he always has Robert. . Well, he dies and leaves it with a wife.
Well, Robert is not happy. So Robert Terrorizes the wife, well she sells the place and the next owners get it. He terrorizes them . Well, they said, okay, we’re done. They sell the house and this other other family buys it. And they turned to dietetic Robert. And they sell him to the museum. Give him to the museum, because Gene was famous.
Now he’s still in this museum in Key West, but when they first got him, they made, they took his rocking chair and everything. They put it up on a pedestal. They put a glass thing over top of it, and the curator was all proud and happy and you know, and everything. Well, the cleaning crew come in and he left and cleaning crew come in, was cleaning that place up.
They come in the next morning, Robert’s missing, the glass is laid over and he’s just knocking his. , he said he is always little footprints on the ground. Well, he’s thinking the cleaning crew has gone crazy. They’re messing with stuff. He’s mad as far, so he walks around, finds Gene, puts him back, finds Robert, puts him back into the rocking chair and puts the glass back over, choose out the cleaning crew.
Big time . And they’re, he’s like, I’m gonna stay tonight to make sure y’all don’t do this again. So he stays that night. . Everybody leaves. Everything’s normal. Everything’s clean, good. Everybody leaves. The next morning the same thing happened. And now they say, if you go down to this museum in Key West Florida, you have to ask Gene.
I mean, Robert, excuse me, to take his picture or you’ll be cursed.
[00:26:18] Jeremiah: Oh, wow. . Have you ever been there, or no? I have
[00:26:22] George: not yet, but I plan on making a trip. I’m
[00:26:26] Jeremiah: gonna ask , . Yeah, I wouldn’t take the chance.
[00:26:31] George: No. And there’s a really cool episode on, um, with Ozzy Osborne and his son, where they go to Key West. And then for the rest of the episodes of that season, Jack just terrified Ozzy with a, he bought a, a stuffed Robert, so he, he terrorizing his dad without Robert
[00:26:54] Jeremiah: I’m gonna have to watch that. That sounds funny. Oh, it’s good. Yeah, I hear a lot of stories about dolls too. Like, uh, I think there was another one like Annabelle or something. Oh yeah.
[00:27:05] George: Annabelle was actually a raggedy Anne doll. A woman bought a thrift store. She bought it for her daughter who was going to, uh, nursing school, and she give it to her.
Annabelle terrorized the crap outta them people. , the guy woke up with Annabelle standing over top of. , a three foot ragged end all with a knife. Wow.
[00:27:30] Jeremiah: It’s straight out of the child’s play.
[00:27:32] George: Chucky . I think Chucky was actually slightly based off of it. I don’t remember. Read, I read some stories that said he was based off of some that said it wasn’t so I don’t know.
[00:27:45] Jeremiah: Yeah. It’s hard to say, but like, yeah, it seems like there’s something with dolls and them being possessed and stuff. I wonder what that is
[00:27:53] George: about . I don’t know. But when I do my my World Edition, I’m actually gonna put Doll Island in Mexico. In my next, in that book, I’m gonna do a world that,
[00:28:03] Jeremiah: yeah, I covered that, um, a few episodes ago with the evil places around the world or whatever, and Oh, yeah.
Yeah. It’s pretty, it’s pretty creepy. ,
[00:28:12] George: did you watch the episode with, uh, Josh Ge, where he actually went down and investigated it?
[00:28:17] Jeremiah: Uh, no I did not, but I’m gonna have to.
[00:28:19] George: Oh yeah, because Josh, Josh’s a good old boy. I’ve banned him a couple of times, but, uh, when he took his team down to investigate that, that I said, I, I rolled around the ground laughing.
It was so funny cuz they were getting a crap shirt out. Yeah, I’ve
[00:28:34] Jeremiah: seen pictures of the island and it is creepy. Like all these doll heads floating around or baby like baby dolls floating around. And they’re like, some of ’em are dismembered and some of ’em aren’t. And
[00:28:48] George: the coolest one is when he’s standing there and he’s talking about this, he’s talking to the camera.
All of a sudden, one of the doll’s eyes. Oh, . He’s like, Ooh,
[00:28:57] Jeremiah: ooh, . I love. Yeah, that would’ve freaked me out too. I’d have been like, Nope, I’m done.
But I love, I love all those, like I know love’s probably the wrong word to use, but I love all those. Cre, creepy places like quote unquote haunted places. And yeah, I love hearing stories about what happens at those places.
[00:29:26] George: So me too. I enjoy it. I’m kind of a sick puppy anyway though, so you know, , I’ve never been right in the heads
[00:29:36] Jeremiah: And then I wonder, like when I was younger, I always thought like Voodoo was kind of like, you know, Just the fake thing that, uh, crazy people did or whatever. But like, I started watching videos and like documentaries on it and stuff and I’m like, some of this stuff is really creepy and I kind of like believe it now.
[00:29:59] George: Well, you know, the whole zombie thing come from Voodoo. Yeah. I saw,
[00:30:03] Jeremiah: um, videos of them like trying to raise dead people, uh, in like Africa or whatever. Yeah. West.
[00:30:11] George: That’s creepy, man. That’s some bad, that’s some weird stuff goes on in that. That’s one thing I don’t mess with. Hmm. I don’t mess with bad anything else but that and Ouija
[00:30:20] Jeremiah: boards.
Yeah, Ouija boards are crazy. They just had that, um, news story about like 25 or 28, uh, students in Brazil. Had to get taken to the hospital cuz they were playing with a Ouija board or something and they all like freaked out and had psychotic episodes or something. , oh I
[00:30:38] George: don’t doubt, I don’t doubt nothing but Ouija board.
I read, uh, an incredible story written by a priest and he was an exorcist priest and he wrote stuff about those Ouija boards and what he encountered when people were using them and the demonn stuff. And it was just, I was like, I’m done. .
[00:31:00] Jeremiah: Yeah, I actually reached out to a Catholic priest that does exorcisms to be on the show and um, I’m gonna reach out to him again soon cause he said he’s too busy right now with Easter rolling around and all.
Oh yeah. But um, yeah, I’ve, there’s a couple priests out there I’ve seen on YouTube and stuff that do exorcism stuff and I, I hope I can get one to come on the show and talk about it, cuz I find it fascinating and, And they still do it today, which is kind of wild too. Oh yeah. Yeah.
[00:31:31] George: I think you’re even more demand today,
I really probably, yeah, probably. I got my, so with, oh, go ahead. No, go ahead. No, you’re, you’re good. Go ahead. I’m
[00:31:45] Jeremiah: just, no, I was, I was . No, I was just gonna say, like with your, uh, book on the Myths and Legends and stuff like that, did you ever cover like, Colts or anything like that? Like, uh, I don’t know. The Charles Manson thing or any of that kind of
[00:32:05] George: stuff?
Uh, no. Manson I did, I did find stuff, uh, some Colt stuff is in there, but it’s where they were. Uh, uh, there’s a graveyard where the, this cults were having it, it’s called the doorway to hell. And they were having all these meetings and doing all this weird. I actually covered The Exorcist. The real story behind The Exorcist, the recorded from the Priest story about The Exorcist was, was a little boy and a little girl, and that, that’s a creepy one.
It really is. And all those things. They mentioned those cults and they’re sacrificing animals and tried to sacrifice some people and there’s all kinds of weird stuff going on. .
[00:32:51] Jeremiah: Yeah, for sure. And it seems like, I don’t know, I don’t want to say, but like wherever there’s that cult activity, it seems like it’s always wrapped around some type of evil
[00:33:04] George: Oh yeah, yeah, definitely. It’s a whole devil thing, that’s for sure. Now we have one I didn’t put into books called the Devil Stomping Ground here in North Carolina, and I’ve seen it personally. There’s a spot up on the mountain. No grass grows there. It’s a circle. There’s no grass grows there, and you can lift, you can put a log in there and when you wake up the next day, it ain’t in there no more.
You can put rocks in there, wake up the next day and it’s gone. And if, if you leave it in there overnight, it gets it, it gets removed. Nobody knows how. No, with, they’ve had cameras watching it. And the cameras would actually white. and just like everything was gone, all of a sudden, then it’d come back into focus and whatever was in there in there was gone.
It’s, that’s, wow. And
[00:33:54] Jeremiah: where’s that at? In North
[00:33:55] George: Carolina? The devil stomping
[00:33:56] Jeremiah: ground. I’m gonna have to look it up cuz I live in North Carolina myself. Yeah, I’m over by, um, like Charlotte area. Okay. I’m up in Asheville. Oh yeah, I’ve been there. Weird thing. I’m sorry, . What’s that? I’m sorry. .
[00:34:13] George: You come to what? I’m sorry.
[00:34:16] Jeremiah: Oh yeah, . No, we um, we like going hiking, so they have a lot of like mountain ranges there. Oh yeah. Yeah. We’re the app. A lot of hiking
[00:34:25] George: trails. Yeah, there’s, there’s tons of ’em up here. Especially if you go to DuPont or Neha or anything over there.
[00:34:34] Jeremiah: But my wife won’t go to the, um, What’s that? The Biltmore or whatever out there?
house. Yeah. She won’t go there cuz she says that they used to like, um, I don’t know, like child traffic children or something like that. I don’t know. ,
[00:34:51] George: I never heard that one before, but, okay.
[00:34:54] Jeremiah: Yeah, I’m not from here, so I don’t know any of the like local, all lore, legends or whatever, so, but yeah, she said that they have at the Biltmore house, the family used to.
Sexually assault children in the basement or something like that. I
[00:35:08] George: be surprised, but I don’t, I don’t, never heard that. But they were, they were really rich people that came here, that was kicked outta England. They came here and they made their money on railroads. So, you know. Yeah. There’s no tailing ,
[00:35:26] Jeremiah: right?
[00:35:27] George: I mean, you’re looking at Victorian times. That I, I don’t know. They did, I don’t know, back them, so I don’t know. ,
[00:35:36] Jeremiah: yeah. They also like wedded people off at like 12 years old, so
[00:35:41] George: I don’t know. Yeah, my, well, you married now. She’s 14, you’re 30. , , you know, but it was a different, yeah, it was a different time.
[00:35:51] Jeremiah: Yeah.
So, um, what other like myths or legends in the US that like really caught your attention?
[00:36:00] George: There’s a story about an outlaw named Big Nose George . He ne was never really famous, except for the fact when he died, nobody, he, there was no money for his funeral. So the guy at the funeral home tanned his. and made boots, all of them.
What? And the governor at that period of time in Wyoming bought the boots and wore ’em to his when he was, uh, took the oath for governor.
[00:36:34] Jeremiah: Oh my gosh. With the other guy’s
[00:36:35] George: skin. Yeah. And the, the funny thing is, I don’t know if it’s still out there, but last I heard it was still out there. They actually have the remains of him tan skin and all even tan his.
So his head looks intact and everything, but they, uh, the boots and everything is still, I turn a museum in Wyoming.
[00:36:55] Jeremiah: Wow, that’s wild. . There’s,
[00:36:59] George: there’s some fun one in there. There’s a, about, there’s a story about a guy, an outlaw who died out there, and I think it’s, it may be in Wyoming too. I’m not sure.
There’s an outlaw that died, didn’t have the money to pay for his funeral, so the funeral guy stood him up in the corner. in the casket and people would come by and pay ’em to get pictures with the outlaw . Well, he died. The, the funeral guy died and the body got put into storage and somebody found it and they rented it out to, uh, they sold it to a movie company.
And the movie company was using the real dead body they thought was a prop . and it tells the name of the movie and everything and how they found out. It really wasn’t a prop, it was a dead guy. Was the finger come off in somebody’s hand? . Oh wow. And it was like a hundred years later when they did, when this happened.
So it’s, it’s a great story. It really is. ,
[00:37:59] Jeremiah: but there’s all, yeah, there was a, so. . Yeah. There’s all all kinds of like local legends and, and stories that just are so wild. They seem fake, but they’re not, they’re real .
[00:38:12] George: Oh, there’s some great, I, my, my favorite one, I got a serial killer in there, HH Ho hh Holmes. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of him, but he was a character too.
You know, he was up in Chicago and built a hotel. . He scammed his way into getting the property and built this hotel made to kill people. It had drop floors in it. He used five different contractors and he would stop gas lines under beds. He had trap doors, he had things that would like belaying, a bed and a spike would hit you in the head and kill you.
All of these different, dang. He had set up and he had all this stuff made to where it slid down to the basement where he would take the people either alive or dead. Start cutting them up and doing Bo, you know, examine ’em and cutting body parts up and all this other stuff. Well, he didn’t get caught for all that he escaped.
He, I mean, it was built during the World’s Fair. When the World’s Fair was in Chicago. Well, he escaped and he escaped down to Texas. Well, he got caught in a dirty horse deal down in Texas, and when they caught him, they linked him to all those murders. Geez, . ,
[00:39:29] Jeremiah: what’s that serial killer that they never found?
But then now, like within the past couple years, they, they’re like, they think they found who It was the Zodiac Killer. Yeah, the Zodiac killer. Yeah. He evaded for so long and then they finally were like, oh, we found, we think we found the guy . Oh yeah.
[00:39:47] George: Well, you know, Texas Chainsaw Masker and a couple other movies were written about a guy called Ed Gwen again, and he was.
he would kill these women in his, in his, uh, barn and wire their skin and eat ’em. And when they arrested him, I finally got him. He had actually had a face on top of his face and, uh, he was a rough one boy. Yeah, I’d
[00:40:14] Jeremiah: have, I have heard that the Texas chainsaws based off a true story. Yep. And like I. . I love hacking slash movies.
Slasher movies. So I’ve definitely seen my share of, uh oh yeah. Texas Chainsaw . I love them. . Yeah, I saw the newest one. It wasn’t that great, but uh, I guess it was just entertaining. But the newest one that he was in, where there was a group of college kids trying to turn. Ghost town in the west into like their utopia town.
And, um, yeah, one of the houses was owned by the mom of the Texas chainsaw guy and Oh, okay. He ended up like taking ’em out. It, I mean, it’s entertaining. It wasn’t great, but ,
[00:41:02] George: it’s like the new Halloween. It stunk. Oh, it is so bad.
[00:41:07] Jeremiah: Yeah, I heard that was a letdown. I haven’t watched it yet. I couldn’t bring myself to watch it
[00:41:12] George: it.
It’s so bad. Cause it’s so funny cuz the movie right before this one, everybody in the town is attacking him and shooting him and stabbing him. He gets up and kills all of ’em and walks off. Well this one, Jamie Lee Curtis holds him down and stabs him. Oh, I’m sorry. .
[00:41:26] Jeremiah: It’s, it’s like, it’s disappointing. Yeah.
It’s like, wait, the whole town couldn’t do it. But she can, like,
[00:41:34] George: didn’t they carry his body out to the, where they grind up rock, they chunk his body into the grinder. Oh geez. It’s just like, yeah, this is boring. . It was bad . It really was.
[00:41:46] Jeremiah: Yeah. I feel like some series they need to just stop. Like
[00:41:50] George: they should stopped that a long time ago.
Halloween was a good series. I even liked the ones where, uh, what’s his name? Rob Zombie. Did ’em, I, I enjoyed. But they just got too bad. Like Friday the 13th. It just went way too far.
[00:42:06] Jeremiah: Yeah. It’s like they try to milk the franchise when they should just create something new. ,
[00:42:13] George: I don’t think they know how anymore.
I really don’t. Yeah. I’ve got a
[00:42:16] Jeremiah: killer because like the new. Yeah, I guess that new, uh, scream movie just came out in theaters or whatever. I haven’t seen it yet, but I planned to. But, um, my brother went and saw it and he said it was okay. It was really gory. So I’ll take it for that , I’d go see it, but that’s another one.
It’s like, what are we on, like scream six Now it’s like, I think it’s time to wrap it up. .
[00:42:43] George: It’s, it’s time to kill the ghost face. I mean, .
[00:42:49] Jeremiah: But yeah, people still love it. And you know it is, they do come from classics, so
[00:42:54] George: Oh yeah. As long as it makes money, they’re gonna make the movies. It doesn’t matter. Oh yeah.
People are always doing go see ’em because they know the franchise, they know the characters. So the,
[00:43:04] Jeremiah: um, with your book, I also saw that you cover the dog man. . I don’t know much about it, but I’ve been hearing a lot about it lately. So maybe you can shed some light on it. Well, what’s funny
[00:43:16] George: about the dogman is nobody really talked about it, but the Dogman stuff goes all the way back to ancient times.
It really does. It goes way back, way, way back. and, uh, but the dogman and the, and the stories are like the beast of Bra Road and the Dogman in Michigan and all that. Now I’ve been to Bray Road. I can see why they would be a dog man there, . But it’s, it’s, it’s a cool story about, about the Dogman. But when you look into the history a little deeper and you find out that there was a tribe of, it’s actually recorded history, an explorer found a tribe of dog men in.
and they barked and yapped like dogs, but they were like humans that walked on two legs. Huh? That was back in, I think it was, uh, 15 hundreds, somewhere in that area. And, uh, but it, there’s so many things that we thought was new. That ain’t new you. Yeah. But the dog met up in Michigan. That’s where it first got famous in the United States around 1950.
And then you had the beast of Bra Road come up, the lady who wrote about that and made that famous and now she just died not too long ago. I cannot remember her name. So, and she was a great writer.
[00:44:40] Jeremiah: Yeah. I don’t know her name, but I have heard that she wrote a book, uh uh, the original book on the Dog
[00:44:46] George: Man or whatever, wrote about Beast, the bra I at Bray Roads up in Wisconsin.
So the dog
[00:44:52] Jeremiah: man, Well, obviously the dog man’s different from like Bigfoot. Oh yeah.
[00:44:57] George: He’s a maximum height I’ve seen on Dog Man is like seven foot. Bigfoot is like the biggest one I’ve heard. Bigfoot is like 12. Yeah. And the, I heard
[00:45:07] Jeremiah: the uh, dog man is more like, like vicious more, more predatory than like Bigfoot seems to kind of try to stay away, try to keep distance and
[00:45:18] George: Yeah.
Dog men’s more aggress. . He doesn’t back down as easy, but they’re still, they still haven’t come forward with enough proof to make it mainstream yet. They haven’t brought in a body. They hadn’t brought in. I don’t, I think they may have had, I know they’ve got hair, they’ve got footprints. I don’t think they’ve got blood yet.
They scat, they got scatted. They linked to a dog band cuz it was un. And Bigfoot, they’ve got everything set the body.
[00:45:52] Jeremiah: Yeah, I’d be interested to, uh, learn more about that one. So I’m definitely gonna have to start looking into the dog. Man.
[00:46:00] George: I think personally, my thoughts of it is that you have, there’s three different classifications for the canines.
You’ve got the hell Hounds, you’ve got Dog man, and you’ve got werewolves. Werewolves are someone who has been cursed. Now this goes back. Way, way back in Germany is where all this started when they had gypsies and everything, which is funny cause that’s what they used in the movies too. But it started with them supposedly.
And they cursed a family, a pe, a family, and all the men would turn into werewolves. Now, unlike the movies, they didn’t bite you and you turned into a werewolf. That was just the person that was cursed. Was what stuck. Was stuck with it. Dogman seems to me to be more like a species. actual species out there.
And now some people believe that they’re portal jumpers. Some people believe that they’re just aliens that are here. I don’t know what to believe, but I do think that there are species because there’s too much recorded history about ’em. It goes all the way back through ancient Egypt with Annuus and some other.
And the hell Hounds are exactly that. They are a supernatural and physical creature that retrieves souls. It is escape from hell. That’s, that’s what they’re supposed to be. Kind of like
[00:47:18] Jeremiah: cerebrals or whatever. Yep. The three headed, or Cereus? I don’t know. guards. Hell yeah. And then, um, what’s the other one?
Uh, the Mexican one.
[00:47:30] George: Chupa. Cbra. . Cbra. Yep. . Well, they got a body for real. They won’t admit it. .
[00:47:38] Jeremiah: Yeah. I remember when, um, this was back in, oh gosh, decade or more ago, it was like that hit show finding Bigfoot or whatever. Yeah. And, um, me and some guys at work were joking around. I was like, let’s get a camera and go down to Mexico and for, and film, uh, finding Chupa Copper
There you go. That’d be fun. Because at the time, yeah, it was the start of all these shows like Ghost Hunting and uh, and like the Finding Bigfoot and all that. I was like, we should get on that Hype train . Oh yeah. I love it. Oh, and last thing, um, Before we wrap it up is, what are your thoughts on like the Skin Walker Ranch, because I hear a lot about that.
There’s a show about that. Oh, and everyone says that that area is just haunted .
[00:48:31] George: It’s got a deep history. It really does. And I mean, it goes back to the 18 hundreds of the Indians. The war between the two Indian tribes is where the skywalk, the skin walker come from, and there’s. There’s tons and tons of evidence of UFO stuff.
There’s portal stuff going on there, and this is all recorded stuff. They, when the rich guy that did, uh, what was his name? He bought the place, they sent us scientific research up in there. He found all kinds of stuff and he took all his research when he sold it, took his research and put it in a vault.
Nobody has seen all the research that he did. And, uh, last I heard, There’s proof that he has that nobody else has, but they’re finding a lot more on that show, which I thought was gonna be a hooey, but they got a lot of scientific principle going on in
[00:49:26] Jeremiah: show. Yeah. I thought it was gonna be way more, I don’t know, dramatized like TV usually does.
Yeah. But it seems like they’re actually trying to get to the bottom of it.
[00:49:39] George: Well, they have. I mean, Travis is a. True scientist. I mean, so is the other guy, the, the shorter guy. I can’t remember his name. He’s a, they’re all, they’re all these people are that, they’re saying scientists really are scientists. I looked all of ’em up just to check their backgrounds and see, you know, is this real or are they blowing smoke up behind in?
And, uh, a lot of credentials, big time credentials. So I, I, I believe it. I really do. There’s just certain things in this world. . We all, we, we, I think everybody looks kind of like this. You know, we’re all looking tunnel vision about what we can see and touch. That’s the only thing we’re gonna believe in. But when you finally take those blinders off, you see there’s a lot more in the world than what you realize.
And that, that happened to me a long time ago, and I’ve been able to see a lot more what’s going on than most people do. People think I’m a little odd? That’s what , because I have seen UFOs, I have seen ghosts, I’ve been in contact with. . I died and come back. I mean, there’s a lot of things that I’ve experienced that most people have never experienced.
So my eyes have been opened. So
[00:50:49] Jeremiah: you’ve had a near death experience? Yes, I, I did. Do you care to share that ?
[00:50:56] George: Sure. I
[00:50:58] Jeremiah: was in my twenties just because I’ve had one myself. So I would like to hear,
[00:51:02] George: well, I’m wanna be yours now. Uh, I, I was in my twenties. I got pneumonia, wouldn’t go. The doctor fought it, fought it.
Finally went to a doctor. She told me I had bronchitis. Well, three days later I was 104. Fever. Couldn’t breathe, lethargic. Couldn’t even stand up. Took me to the hospital. I had a major case of pneumonia. Half my lungs were filled with fluid. Uh, I was in there. They had all this stuff going on with, we had the, you know, the stuff going into me to kill the, the bug that killed that pneumonia bug.
I was pumping the stuff outta my lungs and all this other stuff. And, um, that night I was laying there asleep and I felt somebody looking. So I opened my eyes and looked. There was a little lady standing beside a little old lady standing beside the bed, and she was nice. And the funny thing was, I, it was the, the whole time this thing happened, I was very calm, very comfortable, just the most mellow, comfortable feeling I’ve ever had in my entire life.
So I look at her and I start talking to her and I set up and I turn, I’m talking to her and I look over out the corner of my, and my body’s still in the. . So I got up, I’m talking to her and I see a figure in the corner. It’s a dark figure, but it looks like, uh, the shape of an angel has wings and a human and a, and I never seen anything but his eyes.
His eyes were just the most incredible blue color you’ve ever seen in your life. Well, these people started walking through the walls of my room coming in and talking to me. That was. I don’t know, five or 10 people there. We were all talking and it was just a really nice building, but the clock never moved.
The second hand never moved on the clock, and the angel raised his hand up and this little pin of light showed up and then all of a sudden it went boom. And the whole wall was just this big light. All these people started walking into the light. It was just me and the lady. . Well, I started towards it and she grabbed me.
She said, no, no, no. It’s not your time. Lay back down. You just need to rest and wake up. Okay? And I sat back down on the bed and I went to lay down. And right before she went in, she waved at me and smiled. She walked in, the light disappeared, the angel disappeared, laid back down. The next thing I know, there’s alarms going off, and my door comes slamming open and people are freaking out and.
The people come running over to my bed and I just opened my eyes and looked at, I said, what are you doing? And Al stopped in her tracks, . I started asking them, uh, the, everybody left except one nurse. And I asked her, I said, who was? And I named the lady’s name and I described her, and she had died in my room before I got there.
Then I mentioned every person I talked to there and described each one of them in detail with their names and everyth. and each one of those people had died in the hospital. Wow.
[00:54:11] Jeremiah: Yeah. I totally believe that. There is something after we pass over. Oh yeah. Um, and like I said, I’ve experienced it too. I’ll have to send you my story cuz my audience is sick of hearing me talk about it,
But um, but yeah, totally. There’s something there and something that struck me with your story is you talked about the people coming into the room and. Kind of like greeting you and stuff. And I just listened to a hospice nurse and she said that a lot of her patients before they pass, like start talking to people that aren’t there.
It’s like they talk to past loved ones or random people. They’ve the nurse never even heard of. Yeah. . So, She said it’s very interesting that like, it almost seems like there’s a pip that point where you cross over and it’s kind of like easing you into the next
[00:55:11] George: Oh yeah. I believe it. I mean, we’re energy, we’re basically energy packed into a meat sack to be honest about it.
And energy doesn’t go away. Energy changes forms is all energy does. So I mean, you don’t really, you never really get rid of energy. It just moves and transforms and mutates and then comes. Yeah.
[00:55:31] Jeremiah: So when we pass, then our energy just does go somewhere else or does something else. Yeah. You know?
[00:55:37] George: Makes sense.
I mean, you know.
[00:55:39] Jeremiah: Yep, for sure. Well, that was very interesting, and I’ll end with this question is, um, . If money wasn’t an A object, like money didn’t matter, where would you want to go? Um, either for research or just to experience something.
[00:55:57] George: Oh man. Uh, I wanna go to Italy. I wanna go through the, uh, Italy and Greece, I should say.
Cause I want to, I wanna go check out all the, the deep history with the Greeks and the, uh, you know, Spartans and all that stuff. That’s really the really cool stuff is that I wanna check. and it goes so deep back into our history and it’s so embedded. I wanna experience it. Wanna go check it out. I wanna walk through the same places.
I’m kind of a, I’m kind of a history nerd anyway, so, .
[00:56:28] Jeremiah: Yeah, that’s definitely up towards the top of my list too. I want to, I’m really into like Greek mythology and Roman mythology obviously, and to be able to go there and see it in person and see the remains of what once was yeah, I think would be an awesome
[00:56:43] George: experience.
and the fact that the, they have found new things, new civilizations that were there before them, and they’re, they’re uncovering underneath. You know, monolithic areas. They’re finding, Hey, what this, a whole different civilization here that lived before they got here, and they had built those things on top of the other stuff that, that’s, I’m just really into all that stuff.
I’m, I’m curious about it all. I wanna know more.
[00:57:10] Jeremiah: Yeah, it’s definitely fascinating to me. And uh, hope one day you get to go there. You too. You too. So, if, uh, anyone wants to get ahold of you or your book or, um, find your works, how can they go about doing that? Well, they
[00:57:23] George: can contact me on Facebook, uh, me, we, uh, Twitter, I don’t know.
I’ve got a bunch of stuff, or they can get, get my website, which is author George Lawrence. Dot X 10 host.com or they can go to Amazon and pick up my book and I’ll have another one out here soon. It’s in editing right now. It’s called Monsters of the World Reference Guide, and I’ve got a bunch of different monsters in it, all kinds of ’em all over the world.
From dragons to Bigfoot to Loch Nest, to mermaids to a tree down in South America that will eat. There’s all kinds of stuff in it. It’s, it’s, it’s really fun to write. And eventually I’m going to do legends, miss Monsters and Ghosts, the World Edition, and I’m gonna talk about all kinds of cool stuff in it.
There’s, you got the, you know, the suicide forest in Japan and all kinds of stuff. Oh yeah. That’s another
[00:58:25] Jeremiah: one I like the well. I always word it wrong cuz it doesn’t really match what goes on there, but yeah, I like, I like the lure around and the suicide forest thing. It’s just really weird. It’s kind of creepy.
Yeah, it definitely is. . Yeah. But yeah, I’ll make sure to link, uh, your stuff and that way people can find it easily in the description. And I just want to thank you for coming on and talking and joking around about this kind of
[00:58:56] George: stuff. So I’m enjoying it. Thank you very much for having me. Yep. Thank you.
